Information and advice on housing services provided by Torridge District Council and by Housing Associations in the Torridge area.
Please visit Torridge District Councils Housing pages HERE.
Torridge District Council’s main responsibilities are:
Housing Advice and Options Service (for those needing advice about their current circumstances and any difficulties with housing).
Housing Renewal (information for private sector tenants, owners and landlords about services including grants, loans, empty homes, houses in multiple occupation and energy efficiency).
Disabled Facilities Grants
Housing Strategy
Being an active participant in the Devon Supporting People partnership which funds Supported (for example sheltered) Housing.
Westward Housing Group
Westward Housing Group is a major housing association in the south west.
It encompasses Tarka Housing, Westcountry Housing, Help to Buy South West and Horizon Homes.
As a developing landlord, we build new homes across the region, working in partnership with local authorities to rent homes to those in need.
Contact Details;
- Tarka House, Clovelly Road Industrial Estate, Bideford EX39 3HN
- General Enquiries: 01237 428080 Emergency Repair line: 0300 100 1010
- Website: www.westwardhousing.org.uk
If you wish to be considered for Social Housing in the Torridge Area, either with Westward Housing or one of the other Social Landlords working in the district, please go to the “Need To Move?” section on the Torridge Council Website