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Torrington Together

Torrington Together

Torrington Together is run by volunteers and is the facilitation of a biannual meeting which aims to bring local community groups together to allow for sharing of what each other does.  It gives an opportunity to share with one another on a one-to-one basis as well as offering groups the opportunity to give a short presentation.
The group meets in June and November at the Torridge Vale Social Club on a Wednesday evening.  During the first half of the session we have five or six short presentations of up to 5 minutes from various local groups.  We then break for light refreshment and during the second session, there is another opportunity for groups  to share more briefly, say up to two minutes.
The meeting usually lasts for up to 2 hours.  It is a great opportunity to see what is going on throughout the community of Great Torrington and also to chat with fellow volunteers.  If you are interested in knowing more, please contact the Town Council on 01805 626135 or via email on [email protected]