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The Commons Allotments Charity

The charity scheme was approved and established by the Charity Commissioners in 1968. It is a small charity which owns circa 32.4 acres (circa 13.1 hectares) of land in the parish of Great Torrington.  Further information about the Charity can be found on the Charity Commission Website by clicking here.

The majority of the land is rented by a local farmer. The remainder is used by the Council as allotments for local people.  The modest income for the Charity comes from the letting of the land and from investments. 

Great Torrington Town Council administers the COMMONS ALLOTMENTS CHARITY.  Each year the charity allocates its small amount of funds to locally based community groups. 

Miss K. Chapman, Town Clerk

Great Torrington Town Council
Castle Hill
Great Torrington
Devon. EX38 8AA
Tel: 01805 626135
E-mail: [email protected]