Elections 2023 – Join us – Become a Town Councillor in 2023
As you may know 2023 is an election year for the district and town councils with local elections taking place this year on Thursday 4th May. Our Town Council needs more members of the community to join the Council and represent local people.
Could this be you?
As a local councillor you can become a voice for your community and help make
real change. Local councillors are champions of their communities who
invest time in local projects and issues for the benefit of residents and the
Local councillors discuss local needs, work with local groups and businesses, collaborate with district and county councils to meet local needs, and progress vital projects to invest in the future of the community.
To stand for election as a town councillor you must be:
• A UK or Commonwealth citizen; or be a citizen of the Republic of Ireland; or
be a citizen of another Member State of the European Union
• At least 18 years old
• An elector of the local council; or in the past 12 months occupied land or
other premises in the area the local council serves (as owner or tenant);
or work in the area the local council serves (as your principal or only place of
work); or live within three miles of the local council boundary
For more information contact Great Torrington Town Council Offices on 01805 626135 or [email protected]