GTTC’s Notice in relation to questions posed about the Hunt
In response to a number of enquiries regarding the Town Council’s position in relation to the Hunt, Great Torrington Town Council has prepared the below statement. This statement has been prepared in consultation with Devon Association of Local Councils (DALC) and with the National Association of Local Council’s (NALC’s) legal team.
1. The Hunt is a privately organised event of which the Council has no powers to make any decisions about, this means we cannot request it is banned.
2. The Town Council recognises that there are legal frameworks in place for both the nature of a hunt and road closures; any deviation from these frameworks needs to be addressed with the appropriate regulatory bodies, for example, any evidence of illegal activity should be reported to the Police and any concerns regarding road closures to Devon County Council (DCC).
3. The Council would not support ANY activity within the community which knowingly breached any laws.
4. Any evidence or concerns members of the public have in relation to anyone or any activity being in breach of the law must approach the relevant regulatory body and report accordingly.
1. Issues around events on public highways need to be addressed to Devon County Council: Highways telephone number: 0345 155 1004 Highways email address: [email protected] Cllr Saywell contact details: 07886 446560, [email protected]
2. Issues around safety, policing and crime need to be addressed to Devon and Cornwall Police Authority – Devon & Cornwall Police telephone number: 101 Devon & Cornwall Police online reporting:
3. Issues around Street Collection Licenses need to be directed to Torridge District Council: Licensing team telephone number: 01237 428700 Licensing team email address: [email protected]
Contacting the Police
This summer, we are expecting more people to visit Devon and Cornwall and this may increase demand on the police’s contact centres. So if you have need to contact the police why not ClickB4UCall.
Devon & Cornwall Police offer a range of online services which can be used to report any non-emergency crimes and incidents including Report Crime Online, WebChat and Email 101.
If you have a question and not sure who can help then AskNED – the non-emergency directory.

Contacting you Local Policing Team
If you have a non-urgent matter that you wish to bring to the attention of your Local Policing Team, the easiest way of contacting them is as follows :
Go to this Devon and Cornwall Police web-page here –
On that page go to the Find your Local Policing Team box.
Fill in either the relevant location or post-code, or use the drop down menu to select the appropriate Neighbourhood.
Click the Search button.
Details of the Local Policing Team will then be displayed, along with a box allowing anyone to send a message to that team.
Contacting Devon and Cornwall Police
Will 999 calls be answered?
Answering calls to the 999 number is a priority and we are making sure that we have additional resilience through training student officers to support our call handlers. Please continue to dial 999 in all emergency situations.
What is the best way to contact the police at this busy time for non-emergencies?
If possible we would ask that you use the following options before dialling 101 at this busy time.
•Click before you call – go online at
•Check if you can find the answer yourself on AskNed
•Use the online crime reporting form
•Webchat live with the 101 service (link to this facility at bottom right of Devon and Cornwall Police homepage)
•Email the 101 service at [email protected]
•Calling 101 phone line
If you do need to call 101 about a non emergency, please be aware that it may take longer than normal to answer your call. Perhaps consider calling at a quieter time of the day, like late evening if it is not time critical.
I have intelligence about a crime – who should I contact?
Please continue to contact the police on the details listed above. If it is an emergency call 999 or for non emergencies use the online contact options where possible.
You can also report crime and intelligence anonymously via Crimestoppers either by calling 0800 555111 or by using their online reporting system at