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Community Hospital Review

Torrington Health & Social Care Steering Group – Terms of Reference

1. Purpose of the Steering Group
The purpose of the steering group is for members of Torrington Town Council, Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust, New Devon CCG and members of the wider community to work together to benefit the health and wellbeing of the local community by developing and improving access to health and social care services within Torrington and the development of a Health and Wellbeing Hub at Torrington Community Hospital.

2. Aims of the Steering Group
It is proposed the Steering Group will have the following aims:
   – To help shape the development of health and social care services within Torrington and the surrounding parishes.
- To help shape the development of the Health and Wellbeing Hub at Torrington Community Hospital.
- To ensure that services are developed in line with local Health and Wellbeing needs.
- To ensure best use of existing hospital building.
- To ensure that the development of services is supported by a communications and engagement plan, thus ensuring that services are developed with involvement of local communities.
- The Steering Group members commit to ensuring the wider community is informed about progress and outcomes of actions and meetings e.g. through joint press releases, newsletters and articles in The Crier.

The Steering Group will not discuss inpatient beds at Torrington Community Hospital.

3. Membership

Mayor, Great Torrington Town Council
Great Torrington Town Council/Devon County Council
Great Torrington Town Council Town Clerk
Parish Council Representative
STITCH Representative
Care Forum Representative
Matron, NDHT
Health and Wellbeing Hub Project Manager, NDHT
GP/Primary Care Representative
League of Friends Representative
Community Health & Social Care Manager NDHT

The quorum necessary for transaction of business will be 50% of the membership which should include either the Chair or Vice Chair and representatives from Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust and Great Torrington Town Council. Other representatives will be invited as appropriate.

4. Governance Arrangements

The Steering Group will be chaired by the Mayor of Great Torrington Town Council with Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust providing the Vice Chair.
Each member of the Group commits to ensuring that progress is shared with their respective organisations/bodies.

5. Agendas

Agendas and supporting papers will be circulated at least 5 working days before the meeting.

The next meeting’s agenda will be decided at the meeting where possible with any additional agenda items and necessary reports forwarded to the Town Clerk at least 8 working days ahead of the meeting who will discuss the item(s) with the Health and Wellbeing Hub Manager.

6. Frequency of meetings

The Steering Group shall meet monthly and at such other times as required. 

7. Sub Groups
The Steering Group may establish specific Sub Groups to take forward areas of work.

8. Working Practices/Code of Conduct
All parties are committed to honesty, integrity and respect and the Group is committed to working in this spirit.
All parties will commit to a genuine desire to work together in order to achieve the stated purpose and aims of the Group (sections 1 and 2).
All member organisations are committed to ensuring the success of the process for the benefit of the community.
The Northern Devon Healthcare Trust ultimately takes the operational decisions as to feasibility of options having considered the inherent risk as an employer and a regulated provider of healthcare services. If an option is not deemed possible the Trust is committed to clearly explaining the reasons why.


Review of the Community Hospital Services

You will be aware that the local Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), decided that the overnight beds at the Great Torrington Community Hospital were no longer required. That decision and action is still being challenged by the community. Indeed you will be aware of further such proposals that are being resisted by various communities within Devon.

Alongside that policy by the CCG is the desire (particularly by this Council), to see an improvement in the day services offered by the hospital. This will prevent where possible, local people in the catchment area of the hospital having to travel to other hospitals etc. for out-patient services. To this end this Council has with the Northern Devon Healthcare Trust, (NDHT) and others established a group to review the need and practicality of increased services.

There is a need to have a representative from the wider catchment area and an item has been placed on the agenda of the forthcoming Area Advisory meeting.

All Great Torrington Town Councillors and the respective parishes will be sent copies of agreed minutes of the meetings and Terms of Reference and these will also be posted on this Webpage for the public’s information.

Great Torrington Town Council has taken on the role of administration to the group.

If anyone has constructive comments regarding the services please let me know and they will be considered.

Yours sincerely


Michael A. Tighe
Town Clerk