Great Torrington Town Council
Christmas Window Dressing Competition
The Town Council is hoping that shop keepers in the town will help us celebrate Christmas by entering our Christmas Window Dressing Competition. We invite all businesses to create a beautiful window display with a Christmas theme, the Mayor will judge them on December 3rd.
For further information or to confirm your entry please contact us at the Council offices on 01805 626135 or email [email protected]
All window displays should be complete by Monday 2nd December, judging will take place on Tuesday 3rd December. All shop windows that have been decorated will be judged, but if your shop is in a location that isn’t in the main trading area of the town do let us know you are taking part, as we don’t want to miss any displays.
We look forward to seeing the town decorated for Christmas.
Christmas Light Switch On!
O Little Town of Great Torrington…
Join us in the town centre on Saturday 30th November 2024 from 5:30pm for this year’s
Come along and celebrate the start of Christmas as the Mayor Phil Cloke officially switches on the Christmas lights in the town centre.
Our Christmas Light Switch On event is scheduled for Saturday November 30th, from 5:30 until 6:30pm.
It will be full of Christmassy cheer, and people of all ages are invited to join us for a Christmas themed fancy dress competition and some carols. Torrington Silver Band will be playing some festive tunes, and there will be entertainment from local band Absent Minds who will be playing some Christmas classics to sing-a-long with. So, if you don’t want to join the fancy dress competition just pop on your favourite Christmas jumper and enter into the festive spirit.
Hot and cold drinks will be available to purchase for a small sum from the Town Hall Undercroft. There will also be popcorn and candy floss available to purchase plus Beatz Kitchen and Fudge Devils will in the square to cater for you.
We would welcome any traders to stay open a little later than normal if they would like to join in the fun. Just get in touch and let us know.
For further details please look out for posters and check our social media nearer the time.
Come along and join in the festivities as we once again light up the town centre in readiness for this special Christmas time. You never know, it might even snow!
Community Speedwatch Initiative
Are you concerned about speeding in your neighbourhood? Did you know you can work with Devon & Cornwall Police to set up a Community Speedwatch? Volunteers from the community use detection devices to monitor local vehicle speeds. They receive training, equipment and support from the local neighbourhood policing team.
To get started you need to have a team of 4 people, one of which will need to be the Group Co-ordinator. If you are concerned about driving speeds in a particular area in Torrington and you have a small group of volunteers, then please sign up using the following link to the appropriate website.
Vacant Shop – Torrington Pannier Market
Please see below information about the vacant shop in Torrington Pannier Market including an application form (a Word document format is also available via the link at the bottom of the page):-
Application Shop 10 Torrington Pannier Market 24 October 2024