D Day 80 – June 6th 2024
The commemoration of the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings is on Thursday June 6th. There is a national programme of events and Great Torrington will be joining in with these where possible. The Town Crier will begin the day with a proclamation at 8am in the Town Square. The bells of St Michael & All Angels will be heard as part of the national Ringing Out for Peace initiative at 6:30pm.
We are working with the Cavaliers to organise the lighting of a beacon on the evening of 6th June and would like to encourage all members of the community to come along to this. We would especially like to invite veterans of all conflicts who are based in Torrington to attend this event so if you or anyone you know is a veteran, please do make contact on 01805 626135 or [email protected] to discuss attending. Torrington Silver Band will be playing before the beacon is lit between 8-9pm to mark the anniversary of this important date in our history.
Please see posters and social media nearer the time for further details.