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Notice of Annual Parish Meeting – 21st March 2024

The Great Torrington Annual Parish Meeting will be held at Great Torrington Town Hall on Thursday 21st March 2024 at 7.00pm.

This meeting is an opportunity for you to speak directly with your Town Councillors and a chance to have your say on future priorities for the Town Council.

If you are curious to know more about what your local council does, this is an opportunity to find out.

Local councils are the first tier of local government and work towards improving community well-being and providing better services. Their activities fall into three main categories: representing the local community; delivering services to meet local needs; striving to improve quality of life and community well-being. (

At this year’s meeting we are hoping to have invited speakers and displays from community groups. Reports from Full Council and the Council Committees will be available, as well as a report on the Council’s finances.

The Annual Parish Meeting is an opportunity for Registered Electors who live in the parish of Great Torrington to come along and hear about projects that the Council have been working on this year, and to have their say on things they would like the council to work on in the future.

It would be great to see a good selection of members of the community at this short meeting, refreshments will be available, and we will be seeking your views on priorities for the Town Council going forward.

We would really like to hear the views of registered electors in Great Torrington and would ask that you use the space below to respond to the questions asked, and to send in your own questions and suggestions. (Please refrain from using any names of individuals or businesses in your answers or questions. If you would like an individual response, please include contact details).

Your responses can be returned to Great Torrington Town Council offices at Castle Hill (above the library), the Museum, or Torrington Library. Alternatively, you can email us your responses. Responses by March 14th.

If you would like to discuss an issue further, please do contact the office on 01805 626135 or [email protected].

Your Council would like to know:

What do you like most about living in Great Torrington?

What do you think would make living in Great Torrington even better?

My question/suggestion for Great Torrington Town Council: