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Mayor’s Charity Burns Night

My Mayor’s Charity Burns supper which was held at Great Torrington Golf Club on Friday 20th January was a resounding success. I would like to thank Mike Harper, our Piper who entertained us with everything from traditional Scottish airs, to thinly disguised modern tunes played on pipes. There were also readings including some of Burns’ own work.

All the classic ingredients were there from haggis and neeps to the obligatory speeches, and plenty of Tartan for the Lassies and the Laddies.

My thanks to the many local Mayors, dignitaries and representatives of local organisations who came along, and of course to Trish and the wonderful staff at Great Torrington Golf Club who treated us to a Burns Supper well worthy of the occasion.

Overall, a total of just under £350 was raised for my Mayors Charities, Devon Air Ambulance and First Torrington Guides.