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Vacancy for a Town Beadle

The Great Torrington Town Council helps to keep the traditions of the town alive. One of the traditions is to have a Beadle, Town Crier and Mace Bearers to support the Council at various functions. The position of Beadle has recently become available.

Duties include accompanying the Mayor to various functions as well as taking part in events within the town.

A Beadle must have a car and be willing to drive the Mayor & Mayoress/Consort to functions etc. The Beadle is provided with a mileage allowance, a small honorarium plus a uniform.

Some duties will involve evening and weekend work. This vacancy is open to both men and women.

Please can you provide a written application to include why you think you would be suitable for the role you. Applications for this post should be no more than one side of A4 paper.

For further information or to discuss further please contact the Town Clerk on 01805 626135 or by email: [email protected]

Please forward applications to Great Torrington Town Council, Castle Hill, Great Torrington, EX38 8AA or by email to [email protected]  to be received no later than Friday 28th October 2022.

Karen Chapman, Town Clerk