Welcome Back Fund Initiatives to-date
Over the summer months we were happy to partner with Rosemoor and had publicity posters positioned on site at Rosemoor in their A Boards. The design work and printing costs have been met by the fund. In addition, the fund has paid for;
- Locally grown hanging baskets which were positioned in the Pannier Market and have been maintained by the Town Council’s Technicians. These looked beautiful and many people have expressed their appreciation.
- A programme Street Music on Saturday mornings from the end of July- end of September.
- Publication in the Gazette of the Town Map which also listed shopping opportunities in the town centre as well as promoting the “three maps” available free of charge which includes two separate trail maps, “The Civil War” trail and the “Heritage” trail.
Future initiatives for consideration include; October fun for children, town centre pavement deep clean, local shuttle bus service trial and day events in March 2022.