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Contacting 111 first will get you the right treatment more quickly

People who contact NHS 111 by phone or online, at any time of day or night, will get quicker clinical advice and care before they visit an Emergency Department.

An improved system was introduced in December 2020 that will give quicker and safer access to NHS services for people in Devon when they need urgent care. The aim is to ensure that people get the right care and attention they need at the right place and reduce waiting times.

People are being urged to contact 111 first to get expert advice about which service to use and when. The 111 service has been in place since 2013, but since the end of last year those contacting 111 who need emergency medical care from a hospital Emergency Department (also known as A&E) have been given direct access to the department. If the issue would be better dealt with in a Minor Injury Unit, GP surgery or other urgent care site, patients can be booked in directly. The improvements are there to ensure that people get to the right place for treatment quickly and reduce waiting times.

The system is aimed at reducing unnecessary visits to some of the region’s busiest healthcare facilities – taking pressure off local services and ensuring social distancing measures are applied.

Other arrangements have not changed and people with serious or life-threatening illnesses or injuries should continue to dial 999, as before.

To contact 111 – just call 111, or click: