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The Globe Hotel

Plans to rejuvenate the Globe Hotel in Great Torrington received a fresh boost at the start of October with the announcement of almost £63K in funding from the Architectural Heritage Fund. The money is for the partnership project between Great Torrington Town and Torridge District Councils, Petroc and the Plough Arts Centre with a goal of creating a working training hotel offering the South West’s first degree-level apprenticeship courses in Tourism and Hospitality and the first ever degree level course in Torridge. But the ambitions for the Grade II listed building don’t stop there with the wider masterplan highlighting shared workspaces, a café / restaurant space, and to become a community and cultural venue for activities in partnership with the Plough. The plan, which is supported by partners including Great Torrington School and RHS Rosemoor, will be underpinned by an innovative community ownership through a share issue to fund the acquisition.
The grant will be used to scope and draw up a more detailed Business Plan, explore possibilities for the building itself and to facilitate the community acquisition process. Key messages from recent consultations showed strong support from the community to bringing the Globe out from hibernation, to be owned and run for the benefit of the community and establishing it as a focal point in the Town and local economy. Initial plans are for 15 new permanent, full time local jobs to be created as the project progresses with seven of these being high skilled. The build will also generate opportunities for local firms and trades as part of the capital works to alter the interior and shape the 460 square feet of workspace, and spaces set aside for the food and drink offerings. Torridge District Council is still keen to hear from people who want to get involved in the project or have views on how it should proceed and a consultation webpage has been set up on Torridge District Councils website under “consultations” on their front page or via this link