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Grass Cutting

You may have noticed that throughout the summer months, we deliberately left grass and any wild plants to grow on four sites across the town.  The grass land outside Woodland Vale, the bank running parallel with Greenbank and banks around Linden Close and New road.

These areas are being cultivated to enhance the environmental and ecological aspects of the area.

As we approached autumn, we have cut back the vegetation and raked the area and have sown ‘yellow rattle’ seed ready for next year.

If the seed takes well the Yellow Rattle will not only add to the aesthetic appearance bringing yellow flowers, but it will weaken the strength of the grass, ready to plant with wild flower seed at the end of next summer for 2022 season.

The aim is to create natural environments which not only look great, but will also as increase the positive impact for birds, bees and insects.

This is an ongoing project which we hope will bring long-term environmental and ecological benefits.

If you have any thoughts about this approach, please do not hesitate to contact the Town Council.