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Mayor’s October Crier Article

I hope you have all had an enjoyable Summer, although times may be different at present, it has been lovely to be able to see more of you out and about and also to see visitors enjoying our lovely town.

I am thankful to have finally been able to do some official duties. On Saturday 15th August, I was proud to lead a small group in commemorating the 75th anniversary of VJ Day. It is extremely important that we continue to remember these important dates and ensure we always pay thanks to those who gave so much for us. My thanks go to Nick Megson from Torrington Silver Band and everyone else who was able to join us, albeit we were restricted to how many could be there due to Covid19 restrictions.

I was finally able to hand over the Town Council’s Howe Plate award for Community Service to Pauline Baker for all she has done for the Great Torrington Mayfair and Carnival Committee. Pauline humbly reinforced that she was accepting the award on behalf of the whole committee and for the joint effort in all of the hard work that goes into organising our special day – it really is a team effort but I know all members will agree that we would be lost without Pauline and all she does.

On the 19th of August I was delighted to unveil the new gate at Jubilee Wood and the new Bridge just below. Cutting the ribbon with a pair of shears was a first for me! These have been two projects that have been progressing for quite a while and it was lovely to see them come to fruition and a big “thankyou” to all those who have worked so hard. Special thanks to Alan Williams and volunteers working on Jubilee Wood and to Al Mitchel and the Commons Conservators for the fantastic new bridge. We are very lucky to live in such a beautiful area and be surrounded by people who care so much about keeping it safe, protected and looking its best.

It feels like so long ago now, but I am pleased to report that I completed my charity tandem skydive at Skydive Buzz Dunkeswell on Sunday the 19th of July. The event was made even more special as it coincided with my lovely Nan’s birthday! It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life and I want to thank everyone who sponsored me. Since the event took place, I have received an additional £700 which will be divided between both of my charities from last year.  This now takes the total funds raised for 19/20 to £5,200. I cannot thank you all enough for your support.

Whilst we continue to adjust to the “new normal”, I have been really pleased to see so many people shopping local and supporting our independent traders; including shops  in our Pannier Market on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. We have so much to offer and I am excited about progressing with our new Marketing Working Group so that we can begin to really shout about what we have here in Great Torrington!

Please do not hesitate to get in contact with me if you need anything or would like my support.

Keeley Allin – Mayor of Great Torrington